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Ace was born Andre de Vin in Vlaardingen on the day the Beatles received MBE's from queen Elizabeth. You can look it up ;-) He changed his name to Ace when in a former band there already was an Andre which led to obvious confusion. Ace played guitar and keyboards in many different bands before finally falling in love with the bassguitar a couple of years ago. Having played many different instruments in as many different bands made Ace somewhat of an allround musician.

He knows only two kinds of music; good and bad, and prefers to play the former… His big influences tend to change with the years but the main ones keep coming back. These include Jaco Pastorius, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Kiss, REM, Nirvana, Joni Mitchell and Mozart, to name a few. His main hobbies are sound engineering, reading and photography. Ace recorded the demoes for the first two Paper Moon CDs on his home equipment. He is currently working on a Joni Mitchell cover project with a promising new Dutch singer.

click here to go to the Ace-site